List of participants


List of participants



Investıgatıon of the relatıonshıp between mobıle phone addıctıon and physıcal actıvıty level ın adolescents

Alime SELÇUK TOSUN, Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Neslihan LOK, Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Sefa LOK , Selcuk University Sport Sciences Faculty, Konya, Turkey


The relatıonshıp between unıversıty students’ physıcal actıvıty and theır desıre to be lıke

Emine ERGİN, Istanbul Aydin University, Health Sciences Faculty, İstanbul, Turkey

Neslihan LOK (Corresponding author)*, Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Sefa LOK, Selcuk University Sport Sciences Faculty, Konya, Turkey


Improving Physical Fitness of Students Through a Swimming Training System at the University


1,3,4 Kherson State University, Kherson, UKRAINE

2 Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, UKRAINE


The development of back muscularity using cane exercises for posture correction in Physical Education classes among students without profile in the context of COVID 19 pandemic

Amzar Elena Luminita, University of Pitești

Rada Larisa, University of Pitești


Study regarding the accomplishment of high school physical education objectives through basketball

Ciocan Vasile Cătălin1, Fleancu Leonard Julien2

1“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, 157 Calea Marasesti, Bacau, Romania

2University of Pitesti, 7 Aleea ŞcoliiNormale, Pitesti, Romania


Study Regarding the Development of Speed Through Specific Basketball Means and Methods in High School Pupils

Ciocan Vasile Cătălin, Voinea Nicolae Lucian, Sufaru Constantin

“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, 157 Calea Marasesti, Bacau, Romania


Testing and assessing the level of general physical preparation of schoolgirls willing to play football, aged 10 – 12 years old, from Dâmbovița County

Mănescu Claudiu, Universitatea Valahia din Târgoviște


Assessments on the level of physical condition of boys at the age of puberty

Macri Aurelia – Cristina, University of Pitesti

Macri Georgianos, Dinu Lippati High School Pitesti


The role of the physical education teacher in achieving education for a healthy life

Macri Aurelia Cristina, University of Pitesti


The bio- dynamic level of children aged 9-10, an objective factor in the design of dynamic  activities within the School after school program.

MIHEȚIU MANUELA, Doctoral School of Sports Science and Physical Education, University of Pitesti, România

MIHĂILESCU LILIANA, Doctoral School of Sports Science and Physical Education, University of Pitesti, România


The assessing of the level of some motor skills dimensions of high school adolescents, an objective advantage in promoting extracurricular activities.


  1. University of Pitesti, Faculty of Sciences, Physical Education and Informatics, ROMANIA
  2. University of Pitesti, Doctoral School of Sports Science and Physical Education


Socıologıcal study on the ımportance of the physıcal educatıon lesson carrıed out onlıne ın the context of the covıd-19 pandemıc, among students of the unıversıty of pıteștı

Rada L., Amzăr L., University of Pitești


Optımızıng strength wıth gym exercıses ın school physıcal educatıon lesson

Manole Carmen, University of Pitesti


Popular dance as a means of physical education for students without profile

Amzar Elena Luminița, University of Pitesti

Rada Larisa, University of Pitești


The development of back muscularity using cane exercises for posture correction in Physical Education classes among students without profile in the context of COVID 19 pandemic

Amzar Elena Luminita, University of Pitești

Rada Larisa, University of  Pitești


Study on the ımportance of motrıc actıvıtıes durıng the pandemıc perıod

Lect. univ. dr. Enache Carmen, Departamentul de Educaţie fizică şi sport,

Universitatea din Piteşti


The interactive sides of psychomotor skills in primary school children

University of Piteşti Conf. PhD. Cojanu Florin EFS Piteşti

University of Piteşti Lect. PhD. Vişan Paul EFS Piteşti

Elementary School No 13 ,,Mircea cel Bătrân” of Piteşti, PhD. Vişan Veronica

Elementary School No 13 ,,Mircea cel Bătrân” of Piteşti, Nicolae Ramona Elena


Strategıes regardıng currıcular desıgn ın hıgh school educatıon, startıng from competences, as fınalıtıes of learnıng

Ghımıslıu Florın Gabrıel, University of Pitesti


Innovative method of consolidating the skating step in a game of our own invention, genericly called  UP-Ball-Skating

Pața Oana Cristina, Physical Education , ”Ștefan cel Mare”University of Suceava, Roumania


Extracurrıcular ınterest of students ın the fıeld of physıcal educatıon and sports, for the development of entrepreneurıal skılls

Daniel Roșu, University of PITESTI, Targul din Vale St., Pitesti, Romania


A solutıon for non-profıle physıcal educatıon ın the tıme of the pandemıc – the chess game

Lecturer Enache Ion-Sebastian Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Piteşti


Psychomotor skills in primary school children – feedback in the development process

University of Piteşti Lect. PhD. Vişan Paul EFS Piteşti

Elementary School No 13 ,,Mircea cel Bătrân” of Piteşti, PhD. Vişan Veronica

Elementary School No 13 ,,Mircea cel Bătrân” of Piteşti, Nicolae Ramona Elena


Knowledge of the fundamental theoretical elements related to scientific research in the field of sports science and physical education

Vladimir Potop1,2*, Veaceslav Manolachi2,3, Liviu Mihailescu1, Victor Manolachi2,3 Kulbayev Aybol

1Departament of Physical Education and Sport, University of Pitesti, ROMANIA

2State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA

3Dunărea de jos University of Galati, ROMANIA

4 Kazakh Academy of Sport and Turism, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN



Comparatıve analysıs of psychophysıologıcal states among croatıa and ukraınıan wrestlıng

Georgıy Korobeynıkov1,2, Marıo Baıć3, Vladımır Potop4, Lesıa Korobeınıkova1,2, Markus Raab2,5, Nıkola Starčevıć3, Ivanna Korobeınıkova2,6, Andrıy Chernozub7, Serhıı Romanchuk8, Taras Danko9

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Kyiv, UKRAINE

2German Sport University Cologne, Institute of Psychology, Cologne, GERMANY

3University of Zagreb, Faculty at Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, CROATIA

4University of Pitesti, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, ROMANIA

5School of Applied Sciences London South Bank University, London, GREAT BRITAIN

6Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, UKRAINE

7Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, UKRAINE

8National Academy of the Army, Lviv, UKRAINE

9National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, UKRAINE


Monıtorıng the assessment of the swımmıng skılls formatıon among swımmers-prıze-wınners at stages ı-ıı-ııı of the olympıc games (1896-2021)




1 Institute of Naval Forces of the Odessa National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”, Odessa, UKRAINE.

2 State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” from Chisinau, MOLDOVA.

3 Bogdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University Melitopol, UKRAINE.

4 Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, UKRAINE.

5 H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National  Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, UKRAINE.


Comparison of body composition, bone mineral content and muscle strength variables between elite taekwondo and swimming athletes


Eskişehir Technical University, Faculty of Sports Science, Department of Coaching Education


Volleyball-specific fitness program

Hristache Diana, University of Piteşti


The effectiveness of using power fitness training loads to increase adaptive reserves of female athletes in hand-to-hand combat

Chernozub Andrii1, Olkhovyi Oleh2, Titova Hanna3, Sherstiuk Liudmyla4,

Slavitiak Oleh5, Shtefiuk Ivan6, Marionda Ivan7

1,2,3,4 Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine

5 V.О. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine

6 Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

7 State University “Uzhhorod National University”, Uzhhorod, Ukraine


Training of novice athletes in interdisciplinary coaching

Larion Alin, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

Popa Cristian, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

Melenco Ionel, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania


The Role of Physical Training  for Female Beginners, aged 10-12 in the Football Game

Mănescu Claudiu, Universitatea Valahia din Târgoviște


Testing and assessing the level of general physical preparation of schoolgirls willing to play football, aged 10 – 12 years old, from Dâmbovița County

Mănescu Claudiu, UniversitateaValahia din Târgoviște


Contributions on the role of personality in the selection of children and Junior football players

Mercea Traian Ionut-Lect. Ph.D. -University of Pitesti


The correlation on the jumps with the rope and the triple jump on the spot

Larion Alin, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

Mihăilescu Liviu, Pitești University, Romania

Costache Radu, Babes Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania

Monea Dan, Babes Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania


Comparative study regarding the fitness of junior badminton players and junior track and field athletes


1, 2″Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, 157, Calea Mărăşeşti, 600115, Romania



The paradıgm of the manıfestatıon level of proprıoceptıon ın trıple jumpers – case studıes


1,2 Doctoral School of Sports Science and Physical Education, University of Pitesti, Romania

³ Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Pitesti, Romania


Comparatıve study of explosıve power values ın judo athletes and gymnasts

Sava Adrian Mihai, Dobrescu Tatiana, Vulpe Ana-Maria

1, 2, 3″Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, 157, Calea Mărăşeşti, 600115, Romania


The ınfluence of a pre-competıtıon traınıng program wıth plyometrıc exercıses on the traınıng of performance handball players

Cazan Florın, Georgescu Adrıan, Gıdu Dıana Vıctorıa, Mușat George, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania


Improving the precision of execution of the two-handed overhead passes in the mini volleyball team ACS Extrem Pitesti, through exercises from a seated position

Rada Larisa, University of Pitesti

Amzar Luminita, University of Pitesti


Assessment of physical training in the game of volleyball – cadets

PhD Constantine Lavinia


The role of plyometrics in the development of strength in cadet volleyball players

PhD Constantin Lavinia


The particularities of the competitional stress and the anxiety in the   women’s basketball

Fleancu Julien Leonard-Associate Prof. PhD., University of Pitești

Ciocan Cătălin-Associate Prof. PhD.University of Bacău


Comparative analysis of the technical training of basketball teams in the male category U 18 LPS Viitorul Pitești

Fleancu Julien Leonard-Associate Prof. PhD. University of Pitești

Badescu Victor- Associate Prof. PhD. University of Pitești


Functional training and active force transfer specific to the game of football

University of Piteşti Conf. PhD. Cojanu Florin EFS Piteşti

University of Piteşti Lect. PhD. Naiba George EFS Piteşti

Elementary School No 13 ,,Mircea cel Bătrân” of Piteşti, PhD. Vişan Veronica

Elementary School No 13 ,,Mircea cel Bătrân” of Piteşti, Nicolae Ramona Elena


The efficiency of the physical training with a ball specific to the football game at the junior level B

University of Piteşti Lect. PhD. Vişan Paul EFS Piteşti

University of Piteşti Conf. PhD. Cojanu Florin EFS Piteşti

Elementary School No 13 ,,Mircea cel Bătrân” of Piteşti, PhD. Vişan Veronica

Elementary School No 13 ,,Mircea cel Bătrân” of Piteşti, Nicolae Ramona Elena


Particularities of the biomechanical characteristics of learning the acrobatic exercises on balance beam in Junior III 10 years category (aged 9-10years)

Vladimir Potop1, Mariana Cîmpeanu2, Carolina Moga3, Valeriu Jurat4, Carmen Manole5

1,5 Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Pitesti, Romania

2„Dinamo” School Sports Club Bucharest, Romania

3,4 State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, Moldova


The efficiency of the specific training methodology on the indications of the quality of the execution of the competition choreographies of the junior dancers I

Marıa Florıca Grıgore1, Vırgıl Grıgore2, Vladımır Potop3, Carmen Manole4

1 Ecological University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

2 National Palate of Children, Bucharest, ROMANIA

3,4 Deparment of Physica Education and Sport, University of Pitesti, ROMANIA


Biomechanical analysis of the phase structure of the Pak Salto at uneven bars

Nicolae Valentin Forminte, Lılıana Cosma, Mirela Damian


Tennıs coach strategıes for traınıng lesson ın prıvate sports clubs

Ghimisliu Florin Gabriel, University of Pitesti




The perspectives of management and marketing of the sports clubs in Romania

Adrian Miroslav Merka, Postgraduate, National University of Physical Education and Sport –Bucharest


Comparatıve study carrıed out between the prıvate and state management style of the romanıan sports sector

Ștefănıcă Valentına, , Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Sciences, Physical Education and Informatics, University of Pitesti, Romania



The effect of physıcal actıvıty level on posıtıve mental health of chronıc obstructıve pulmonary patıents


Health Sciences Institute Konya, Turkey

Neslihan LOK (Corresponding author) * Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Sefa LOK Selcuk University Sport Sciences Faculty, Konya, Turkey


The effect of physıcal actıvıty level of ındıvıduals wıth chronıc mental ıllness on copıng styles wıth stress

Mehmet KARA, Health Sciences Institute Konya, Turkey

Neslihan LOK (Corresponding author)*, Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Sefa LOK, Selcuk University Sport Sciences Faculty, Konya, Turkey


Healthy nutrıtıon – an ımportant part of preventıng cardıovascular dıseases

BUTNARİU MİHAELA, Department of Physical Education and Sport; Faculty of Science, Physical Education and Informatics; University of Pitesti


Study on the errors of the diagonal attack to the right and their correction by means of physical education and sports in the game of football-tennis in senior women

Ana-Maria RIZESCU, National University of Physical Education and Sports

Mariana CORDUN, National University of Physical Education and Sports


The effıcıency of physıotherapy means on acute hyperalgıc shoulder patıents


Faculty of Movement, Health and Sports Sciences,„Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania


Recovery of a both malleolus fracture with intraarticular interest through aquatic therapy

Conf. univ. dr. Victor Bădescu*, Conf. univ. dr. Julien Leonard Fleancu*

*University of Pitești, Street Târgu din Vale No. 1, Pitești, Argeș, Romania


Using Visual Health Information Software to re-educate balance in elderly people

Neagoe Ioana Cristina1, Rabolu Elena1, Toma Geanina2, Toma Ștefan1

1Department of Medical Assistance and Physical Therapy, University of Pitesti, Romania

2Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Pitesti, Romania


Exercise –a key tool to maintain psycho-emotional well-being in the institutionalized elderly people

Rabolu Elena1, Neagoe Ioana Cristina1, Toma Geanina2, Toma Ștefan1

1Department of Medical Assistance and Physical Therapy, University of Pitesti, ROMANIA

2Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Pitesti, ROMANIA




Effect of Postactivation Performance Enchangement (PAPE) on Inter-Limb Unipedal Static Balance Asymmetry in Physically Active Individuals


1Eskişehir Technical University, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Coaching Education, 26555, Eskişehir/Turkey


Determınatıon of the relatıonshıp of elıte athletes’ self-respect levels and socıodemographıc varıables

Emine ERGİN, Istanbul Aydin University, Health Sciences Faculty, İstanbul, Turkey

Neslihan LOK (Corresponding author) *, Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Sefa LOK , Selcuk University Sport Sciences Faculty, Konya, Turkey


The relatıonshıp between unıversıty students’ physıcal actıvıty and theır desıre to be lıke

Emine ERGİN, Istanbul Aydin University, Health Sciences Faculty, İstanbul, Turkey

Neslihan LOK (Corresponding author)*, Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Sefa LOK ,Selcuk University Sport Sciences Faculty, Konya, Turkey


Monitoring the effectiveness of innovative forms of orienteering during the Covid-19 pandemic


1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, UKRAINE)


Determınıng the relatıonshıp between sleep qualıty and physıcal actıvıty ın adults

Alime SELÇUK TOSUN, Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Neslihan LOK , Selcuk University Nursing Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Sefa LOK , Selcuk University Sport Sciences Faculty, Konya, Turkey


Assessment of the impact of outdoor activities in leisure facilities on physical activity of schoolchildren aged 15 during the Covid-19 pandemic



Comparative analysis of the motivation of students of the military academy of different years of study to their own physical improvement



Use force to carry out polıce mıssıons


General Directorate of Local Police and Control of Bucharest, Libertății Boulevard no. 18, block 104, 5th Sector, Bucharest, post code 050706, Romania, National University for Physical Education and Sport Bucharest – Doctoral School, Constantin Noica Street no. 140, 6th Sector, Bucharest, post code 060057, Romania

Emergency University Military Central Hospital ,,Dr. Carol Davila”, Calea Plevnei Street no. 134, 1st Sector, Bucharest, post code 010825, Romania


Communication in team sports

Hristache Maria-Diana, University of  Pitesti


Transposıtıon of the actor ınto a character – chekhov workshop

Iorga Anca,, National University of Theatre and Film I.L.Caragiale, Bucharest, Romania



Influence of crossfit on dynamics indicators of physical fitness of young people

Serhıı Romanchuk1, Artur Oderov2, Klymovych Volodymyr3, Orest Lesko4, Iryna Tychyna5, Yaroslav Pankevych6, Chernozub Andrıı7

1,2,3,4,6Department of physical education, special physical training and sport, National Army Academy named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi , Lviv, Ukraine

5Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

7Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine


The influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on physical activity in girls

Vaida Marius, Petroleum – Gas University of Ploiești


Comparative study on physical/sports activity at the age of 19-30 years

Vaida Marius, Petroleum – Gas University of Ploiești


Study on the dynamics of the use of food supplements in amateur sports

Ștefănıcă Valentına,, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Sciences, Physical Education and Informatics, University of Pitesti, Romania